Ron and Mary Bennett
Serving with The Navigators
The Navigators
3820N 30th
Colorado Springs, CO 80934
Ron: September 23
Mary: March 7
Mission Focus
The Navigator Calling is to advance the gospel of Jesus and His Kingdom into the nations through spiritual generations of laborers living and discipling among the lost.
Navigator motto: Know Christ and make Him known
​Our personal mission statement is to develop and coach disciples who make disciples.
Our greatest blessing is to see generations of disciples living as ambassadors in their world.
The challenge is finding and developing disciples who are willing and able to pass on their lives to a new generation.
Ron mentors and shepherds a network of disciplemakers and disciplemaking leaders across the country. Many of the men lead disciplemaking ministries of their own. He also speaks at men’s retreats.
Ron's Testimony
I came to faith in Christ through the influence of my church and parents. I was discipled and mentored while studying at Iowa State University in the 1960s. I learned how to walk with Christ and share Him with others. I became infected with the vision of the Great Commission carried out by ordinary people in the marketplace. In 1970, I was invited to join Navigators and develop disciple-making ministries among university students. That was the beginning of over 50 years with Navigators in various leadership roles focused on our calling.
Mary's Testimony
I was raised in a solid Christian church and home. But in high school, I finally understood the gospel and put my faith in Christ. As a student at Western Michigan University, I became involved with Navigators and was mentored to follow Christ wholeheartedly. I also caught the vision of making disciples who would make disciples. After marriage, I continued to disciple women alongside Ron and his ministry.