Tithes & Offerings
Give Online
This safe and flexible option is the easiest way to give at Grace Community Chapel! This method allows you to schedule a recurring or one-time gift charged to either your debit or credit card or bank account. Here you can easily manage your giving amount and specify where the funds should be applied.
Worried about the fees?
Don't be! Our giving platform has some of the lowest processing fees and if you are giving by ACH your total donation is only subject to a $0.25 processing fee.
0% + $0.25 per ACH bank transfer donation
2.15% + $0.30/donation for credit and debit card donations
Other Ways to Give
By Mail
Grace Community Chapel
7661 Mexico Rd.
​St. Peters, MO 63376
In Person​
Look for our donation boxes through out the concourse and
the worship center.
Text your donation amount to 84321 to initiate an online donation.

Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Do I need to have an account for online giving?
A: No. You may give online with credit, debit or ACH transfer.
Q: Can I designate my giving when I give online?
A: Yes. Use the "Add Donation" button to designate to the following funds:
General Fund (Tithes and Offerings – for ongoing church ministries, utilities, mortgage, furnishings, operating expenses and salaries)
Missions Fund – for support of Missionaries and Missions Projects throughout the world
Benevolence Fund – for helping members and friends who may be in need, and benevolence
Change for Change - for a specified missions need collected through the month (changes monthly)
All funds received are given with the understanding that our church leadership
has full discretion and responsibility for distribution.
Q: Can I set up an automatic recurring donation?
A: Yes, select "Regularly" under the "Frequency" drop down menu.
Q: What fees are associated with online giving?
A: There are no fees charged to you, the giver. 100% of the amount you donate is tax deductible. Grace Community Chapel pays:
2.15% + $0.30/donation for credit and debit card donations
0% + $0.25 per ACH bank transfer donation
Q: Is online giving secure?
A: Yes. Stripe is PCI compliant. To be PCI compliant, they must follow set standards for securing payment information throughout a transaction. These requirements are designed to ensure that they process, store, or transmit credit card information maintain a secure environment. Grace Community Chapel does not receive any personal credit card or bank account information.
Q: What if I need additional help with online giving?
A: Please call the church office at 636-970-1311.