Bruce and Irene McAtee
AMG International
(30210) 483 4214
AMG International
Aigas 66
Koropi, Greece 19400
Bruce: December 21
Irene: February 16
Grace: October 2
Emily: August 28
Mission Focus
I (Bruce) have been serving with AMG since September of 2018. It is a privilege to build friendships with the refugee families. Currently I continue to bring a few men each week (sometimes with their families) to Cosmo Vision, our multi purpose sports campus, and have them stay for several days to work with me on projects. Working beside them opens the door for the opportunity to go deep through studies of the scriptures and discussions. It also provides them with the dignity of work and a source of income. Beyond that I am involved in the weekly operations that support local churches using the facility, day events for refugee groups, four annual teen camps, the AMG Sunday evening service, and other special events. We also continue to have our weekly Friday night youth group meetings for the St. Andrews International Church at Cosmo Vision, and I am part of the leadership.
Bruce's Testimony
I was raised in a Christian home and attended Hope Church in St. Louis, Missouri. At the young age of 6 I accepted Christ as my Savior ( Jim and Jerry Harding were a great influence). I continued to grow in my faith through the example of my parents and the ministry of the church. At age 15 I made a commitment to serve the Lord and felt at that time it was a call to missions. I entered college with the intent of pursuing missions. I was involved in numerous ministry and leadership positions throughout my college years serving as a Dorm Chaplin at the college, as well as being in leadership with the Baptist Student Union, serving with various C.C.C. outreaches. The experiences and friendships in college continued to deepen my faith. After college I went to Eastern Europe for a summer with C.C.C. and then did a one-year Discipleship school (Doulos) in Branson working with youth. Immediately after Doulos I began serving as the Youth Pastor at Grace Community Chapel and from there was commissioned for service in Greece in October of 1987. I have been serving ever since in youth ministry, evangelism, discipleship, refugee ministry, leadership, and many practical jobs. ​
Irene's Testimony
I grew up in a Christian home with loving parents and my father was the pastor of the Greek Evangelical Free church in Sydney Australia and still is currently. At the age of 8 I believed in Christ as my Savior at a VBS, but it wasn’t until I was 14 and attended a Billy Graham crusade that I made a public commitment. I was active in my church and youth group and taught Sunday school for 10 years. I began working at age 18 in the financial sector and worked in that area until age 34. I had five different jobs, one with Australian Airlines, and my workplace was my mission field. I also did Bible courses at a Bible college during this time, was part of Bible Study Fellowship for 4 years and I always enjoyed my personal reading time in the word. In 2000 I met Bruce and was ushered into the world of missions. I did my first short-term mission trip to Egypt and Greece in 2001 with Hellenic Ministries and have been serving ever since that time in a support role.