Mark and Jodi Revell
EFCA ReachGlobal
EFCA ReachGlobal
901 E 78 Street
Minneapolis, MN 55420
Mark: August 2
Jodi: February 15
Mission Focus
Following more than 11 years of living in Budapest and devoting ourselves there to the ReachGlobal focus of "investing in disciple-makers to establish the church where the gospel isn't known,” God called Mark and Jodi to new responsibilities in 2021. Mark serves as Director of Training and Development for the mission, with responsibility for the pre-field training process for all new workers, and developing growth opportunities for existing staff. Also in 2021, Jodi began a new role as Family Ministries Coordinator on the Member Care team, providing help and resources to help families in all stages of life experience well-being as they minister globally. Together their heart is to invest in gospel workers in order that they would flourish and live fruitful lives in the places where God planted them. They’re blessed and challenged by the opportunity to invest in so many gospel workers in so many places.
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Mark's Testimony
By God’s grace, I was born into a home where God was honored, Jesus was known, and the Bible was taught, and at an early age, I committed my life to Christ. However, it wasn’t until I was a college student that I really began to understand what it meant to follow Christ by desiring to offer myself wholly and obediently to Him for whatever purposes He intended, those “good things that He prepared in advance for me to do.” (Ephesians 2:10). Recently I’ve grown in my understanding of what I would call the “lordship” dimension of the gospel (Romans 10:9). My desire is that my life be an outward expression of the rule and the reign of the Lord Jesus Christ, and that in me, in my marriage, my family, and my church community, people see a signpost that points to the Kingdom of God.
Jodi's Testimony
I grew up in a Christian home and I’m thankful for the church I grew up in, where I learned the basics of Christianity and the Bible. When I was about six I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior at AWANA clubs. But it wasn’t until I went to college and started to attend a church that really challenged me in my own personal faith that I really started to grow spiritually and to really understand that being a Christian was more than just going to church, but a living faith. My walk with the Lord has not been perfect, but for nearly 43 years I have followed Him. He has never let me down, never forsaken me and always shown me a kind of love and grace of which I am not deserving. I continue to trust Him daily and strive to follow Him with my whole heart.