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Upcoming Events Next Steps Dates: Get to know us better by attending these classes, which are required for membership at GCC. Sunday, Apr 6th | 12:15 PM Register Sunday, Mar 30th | 11:15 PM Register Sunday, Mar 23rd | 11:15 AM Register Change 4 Change - March Solomon & Ruby Kendagor Solomon and Ruby Kendagor from their basement broadcasting studio, reach over 5 million people across 58 countries through television, radio, and Facebook Bible studies. They're actively involved in mentoring and supporting international students in their local community. Details/GIVE APRIL 12 REGISTER TO ATTEND SIGN UP TO VOLUNTEER 2025 International Short-Term Missions - Apply Now Are you interested in serving overseas this summer? We are offering two international short-term missions opportunities for summer 2025: Greece and Thailand. DETAILS/APPLY Youth Retreat March 14th - 16th Our Youth Retreat is designed so that every student (6th-12th grade) in attendance can have an incredible experience that helps draw them closer to God. This weekend will feature powerful teaching time, Christ-centered worship, great food and plenty of fun. Details/Register PrimeTimers (age 55+) Hymn Sing March 22nd Come and join us in singing some of your favorite hymns and "Let's Make a Joyful Noise!" This event is free, but please register. REGISTER Skill Labs Preregistration June 16th - 20th Skill Labs are a place where kids can discover a new skill or develop a current interest. Kids will explore ways to use their skills as an avenue to share God’s love. Preregister NOW if you'd like to be among the first to be notified when this year's labs are released and official registration is open!! PRE-REGISTER Skill Labs Volunteers June 16th - 20th We are looking for grownups with hobbies, talents, and giftings who want to share those with the next generation! Cooking, sewing, sign language, woodworking, science, sports... the list of what we can do with this week is endless. If you are interested in leading a Lab, exploring what it might look like to lead a lab, or coming as a helper click register to get started! REGISTER Ongoing Events Awana Leaders/Student Signup Thursdays | 6:30 - 8:30 PM Awana is a ministry focused on providing Bible-based evangelism and discipleship for ages 3 through 12th grade. REGISTER Ladies Piloga Mondays | 8:00 - 9:00 PM Core strengthening Pilates movements combined with classic yoga poses will improve your balance and leave you strong, flexible and relaxed. Details Martha Fellowship 3rd Wednesdays | 1:00 - 3:00 PM Women of all ages are welcome to this ministry that supports the missionary outreach of Grace Community Chapel. Details Men's Breakfast 2nd Saturdays | 8:00 AM Men, join us for a hearty breakfast the second Saturday of the month. Come enjoy good food and fellowship, and bring a friend! We'll meet at GCC in Hope Hall. Details Volleyball at Grace 2nd and 4th Sundays | 7:00 PM Adults (17 and older) are welcome to a relaxed, fun time of recreational volleyball, with a bit of healthy competition thrown in! Details
- Church | Grace Community Chapel
Grace Community Chapel is a church in St. Peters, MO. We Exist to Proclaim Jesus and; Pursue Maturity in Him. Welcome to Grace Community Chapel WORSHIP WITH US OUR MISSION We Exist to Proclaim Jesus and Pursue Maturity in Him. The purpose of Grace Community Chapel is to glorify God by making disciples of Jesus Christ who worship God, build up one another and witness to the world. Our desire at Grace Community Chapel is: To proclaim, teach, and preach the Gospel of salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. To glorify God in the church and throughout the world by being a Christian community of fellowship, love, and benevolence. To lead people at home and abroad to faith in Jesus Christ and help them to strengthen their faith. LEARN MORE ABOUT WHO WE ARE Latest Content Play Video Play Video Sunday Message 3.2.25 The Bad News - Ephesians 2:1-3 Pastor Jason Krute CONNECT WITH US We’d love to connect with you! https://gcchapel.org/connect PRAYER You can share your prayer request or praise report by clicking here: https://gcchapel.org/prayer JOIN US FOR CHURCH ONLINE Sundays: 8:30am | 9:50am | 11:15am JOIN US IN-PERSON Learn about our beliefs, service times, and more: https://gcchapel.org/about GIVE You can worship through your giving by clicking here: https://gcchapel.org/give FIND US ON SOCIAL MEDIA Facebook: /gracecommunitychapelstpeters Instagram: /GraceCommunityChapel Play Video Play Video Sunday Message 2.23.25 Prayer of Praise - Ephesians 1:15-23 Pastor Jason Krute CONNECT WITH US We’d love to connect with you! https://gcchapel.org/connect PRAYER You can share your prayer request or praise report by clicking here: https://gcchapel.org/prayer JOIN US FOR CHURCH ONLINE Sundays: 8:30am | 9:50am | 11:15am JOIN US IN-PERSON Learn about our beliefs, service times, and more: https://gcchapel.org/about GIVE You can worship through your giving by clicking here: https://gcchapel.org/give FIND US ON SOCIAL MEDIA Facebook: /gracecommunitychapelstpeters Instagram: /GraceCommunityChapel Play Video Play Video Sunday Message 2.16.25 God’s Eternal Purpose - Ephesians 1:3-6 Pastor Jason Krute CONNECT WITH US We’d love to connect with you! https://gcchapel.org/connect PRAYER You can share your prayer request or praise report by clicking here: https://gcchapel.org/prayer JOIN US FOR CHURCH ONLINE Sundays: 8:30am | 9:50am | 11:15am JOIN US IN-PERSON Learn about our beliefs, service times, and more: https://gcchapel.org/about GIVE You can worship through your giving by clicking here: https://gcchapel.org/give FIND US ON SOCIAL MEDIA Facebook: /gracecommunitychapelstpeters Instagram: /GraceCommunityChapel Play Video Play Video Sunday Message 2.9.25 Christ’s Mercy - Ephesians 1:7-12 Pastor Jason Krute CONNECT WITH US We’d love to connect with you! https://gcchapel.org/connect PRAYER You can share your prayer request or praise report by clicking here: https://gcchapel.org/prayer JOIN US FOR CHURCH ONLINE Sundays: 8:30am | 9:50am | 11:15am JOIN US IN-PERSON Learn about our beliefs, service times, and more: https://gcchapel.org/about GIVE You can worship through your giving by clicking here: https://gcchapel.org/give FIND US ON SOCIAL MEDIA Facebook: /gracecommunitychapelstpeters Instagram: /GraceCommunityChapel Play Video Play Video Sunday Message 2.2.25 God’s Eternal Purpose - Ephesians 1:3-6 Pastor Jason Krute CONNECT WITH US We’d love to connect with you! https://gcchapel.org/connect PRAYER You can share your prayer request or praise report by clicking here: https://gcchapel.org/prayer JOIN US FOR CHURCH ONLINE Sundays: 8:30am | 9:50am | 11:15am JOIN US IN-PERSON Learn about our beliefs, service times, and more: https://gcchapel.org/about GIVE You can worship through your giving by clicking here: https://gcchapel.org/give FIND US ON SOCIAL MEDIA Facebook: /gracecommunitychapelstpeters Instagram: /GraceCommunityChapel Play Video Play Video Sunday Message 1.26.25 The Faithful in Christ Jesus - Ephesians 1:1-2 Pastor Jason Krute CONNECT WITH US We’d love to connect with you! https://gcchapel.org/connect PRAYER You can share your prayer request or praise report by clicking here: https://gcchapel.org/prayer JOIN US FOR CHURCH ONLINE Sundays: 8:30am | 9:50am | 11:15am JOIN US IN-PERSON Learn about our beliefs, service times, and more: https://gcchapel.org/about GIVE You can worship through your giving by clicking here: https://gcchapel.org/give FIND US ON SOCIAL MEDIA Facebook: /gracecommunitychapelstpeters Instagram: /GraceCommunityChapel Play Video Play Video Sunday Message 1.19.25 Ephesus Church Plant - Acts 18 & 19 Pastor Jason Krute CONNECT WITH US We’d love to connect with you! https://gcchapel.org/connect PRAYER You can share your prayer request or praise report by clicking here: https://gcchapel.org/prayer JOIN US FOR CHURCH ONLINE Sundays: 8:30am | 9:50am | 11:15am JOIN US IN-PERSON Learn about our beliefs, service times, and more: https://gcchapel.org/about GIVE You can worship through your giving by clicking here: https://gcchapel.org/give FIND US ON SOCIAL MEDIA Facebook: /gracecommunitychapelstpeters Instagram: /GraceCommunityChapel Play Video Play Video Sunday Morning Worship 1.12.25 Jesus: Friend to Sufferers & Sinners - Hebrews 4:12-5:2 Daniel Maasen | Director of Outreach CONNECT WITH US We’d love to connect with you! https://gcchapel.org/connect PRAYER You can share your prayer request or praise report by clicking here: https://gcchapel.org/prayer JOIN US FOR CHURCH ONLINE Sundays: 8:30am | 9:50am | 11:15am JOIN US IN-PERSON Learn about our beliefs, service times, and more: https://gcchapel.org/about GIVE You can worship through your giving by clicking here: https://gcchapel.org/give FIND US ON SOCIAL MEDIA Facebook: /gracecommunitychapelstpeters Instagram: /GraceCommunityChapel Worship With Us JOIN US ON SUNDAYS meaningful worship. biblical message. intentional community. WATCH Grace Community Chapel 7661 Mexico Rd. St. Peters, Missouri 63376 Service Times: Traditional Worship: 8:30 AM Contemporary Worship: 9:50 AM & 11:15 AM Worship With Us
Greece Short-Term Opportunity Where: Athens, Greece What: We will be supporting our missionary Bruce McAtee with a number of service projects (clearing brush, painting, cleaning) at the Cosmos Vision Center. When: May 5, 2025 - June 8, 2025 Thank you for your interest in our Greece missions trip! We have reached full capacity, and applications are now closed. Please keep the team in your prayers as they prepare to serve.
Short-Term Missions Short-Term Missions Every year, we sponsor a number of short-term missions in which many members of our congregation engage. In addition to GCC-sponsored trips, our members are involved in a variety of missions efforts, both near and far. The Missions Committee offers a tiered system specifically for youth as they progress through missions opportunities at GCC: Tier 1 - Local Church ministry with a training requirement. Tier 2 - U.S.-based overnight trip, serving outside the St. Louis but not outside the continental U.S. Tier 3 - Foreign Missions - anything outside of the U.S. 2025 Short-Term Opportunities Click an image below for more information. Camp Barnabas Camp Barnabas is a ministry in Southwest Missouri dedicated to providing a unique Christian summer camp experience to individuals with special needs, their siblings, and youth from across the United States. Jul 26, 2025 - Aug 1, 2025 Thailand: We will be supporting SIM Thailand by caring for and instructing their children (birth-17 years) during their annual conference. In addition, in Ayutthata, we will provide support for an English camp, Hope for Life, and the church plant. July 14, 2025 - July 28, 2025 Greece: We will be supporting our missionary Bruce McAtee with a number of service projects (clearing brush, painting, cleaning) at the Cosmo Vision Center. May 30, 2025 - June 8, 2025
Thailand Mission Trip What : In northern Thailand, the GCC team will provide care and instruction in a VBS style for approximately 50 children of SIM Thailand missionaries during their annual conference. The team is responsible for both morning and afternoon sessions for four and a half days. Additionally, we will travel to Ayutthata to help that team's business as mission (Joyful Heart Bilingual House) conduct an English camp, help the Hope for Life team minister at the temples, and support the local church planting team. Wh en: July 14, 2025 - July 28, 2025 Apply
- Kendagor | GCC
Solomon and Ruby Kendagor International Broadcasting and Discipling Phone: 800-474-4145 Email: team@internationalstudents.org Address: International Students, Inc. P. O. BOX C Colorado Springs, CO 80901 Birthday: Solomon: September 16 Ruby: February 23 Mission Focus Our Mission focus is in three areas: A. Evangelism. B. Leadership (Both Church and Government). C. Marriage and Family. We accomplish these areas of ministry through: A. Two Radio and TV stations; B. Social Media like Facebook. We are in over 50 countries. Our listeners increased by 502% to 63,781 in the last month according to Facebook. Testimony Solomon's Testimony Solomon came to know Christ at the age of 9 through his parents’ ministry and family devotions. Parents were Kenyan Missionaries who left everything to serve God and live by faith, trusting the Lord for every need. Parents emphasized the importance of personal time with God for everyone in the family. During family devotion everybody was expected to share what he or she learned during personal devotion. Children learned from early age to have personal devotion, pray and trust God for every need. Solomon, however, planned to make money and give as others served the Lord and live by faith. During high school he struggled about God’s will for his life. God made it clear that he was interested in Solomon’s heart not his money. He finally surrendered to God’s purpose and God began to work in his heart. Solomon ended up in full time ministry and continues to serve with joy. Ruby's Testimony Abandoned by parents at about a month old, Ruby was raised in an orphanage with close to 500 children. Life was difficult at the orphanage and Ruby longed to know about her parents. When she was 14, a letter from her dad in Canada arrived saying her mother was dead. Ironically, another letter arrived the following day from her mom in Barbados introducing herself to her. Neither of the parents wrote to her again. At age 16 she had to leave the orphanage to work as a maid, first for a Chinese family for a year and a half and later for a Muslim family. The Evangelical Alliance Mission arrived and rented property from the Muslim family. Through their ministry, Ruby came to faith in Christ. She finally met her father at the age of 19 and her mother at the age of 23. Both became believers through her testimony. Previous Jon & Tammy Junker Church Planters (Japan) Next Paul & Angie Kimball Missionary Aviation Training
- Huerd | GCC
Steve & Nancy Huerd Cru Phone: 651-592-6576 Website: www.give.cru.org/0392804 Address: 4806 Lakes Edge Lane Kissimmee, FL 34744 Birthday: Steve: September 25 Nancy: January 31 Mission Focus One of the greatest challenges of being a missionary is trusting God to provide all your financial needs. Steve devotes most of his time to leading this critical area in coaching our new and senior staff to ensure they are fully funded and financially faithful. He is also very involved in the HR side of ministry, helping shepherd and develop our staff to their fullest potential. A blessing is being able to send full-time workers to locations nationally and abroad that we will never be able to visit or see. Nancy's mission focus: Cru High School summer assignment coordinator, application evaluator, staff care and assisting where needed. All are opportunities to be used by God to bless, serve and assist our High School staff in helping to reach teenagers with the gospel, but they also can be challenging in hard situations. Testimony Steve's Testimony Growing up in Minnesota, I did not attend church and was sincerely searching for the truth. During my sophomore year in high school, I became a Christ follower as the result of a large outreach presented by Student Venture (Cru’s High School Ministry). I became a student leader in this movement, reaching many of my peers with the gospel. Because God had changed my life so much, instinctively, I knew God had called me to join Cru even before graduating from high school. Nancy's Testimony I grew up going to church. In second grade, I told our pastor I wanted to become a Christian and be baptized. My real motivation was because my best friend had done it and I wanted to be like her. However, something was always missing, so I put much effort into excelling in grades, sports, being a good person and thought this would please God. However, as a junior in high school we lost the state basketball championship and God used that to humble me and see my need for Him. The next day I went forward at my church saying I wanted to rededicate my life to God, but this is really when I became a Christian. Later as an adult while attending Grace Community Chapel, I realized I needed to get baptized as a true believer in the Lord. I was baptized by Pastor Miller. Previous Scott & Jayne Cuidon Global Missionary Counseling Next Doug & Emilee Irwin Church Planters (France)
Awana Student Resources To help your child progress through their handbooks, download files such as theme songs, Bible biographies, and memory verses pertaining to their specific handbook. There are separate downloads for: ESV (English Standard Version), KJV (King James Version) NIV84 (New International Version 1984 Edition), NKJV (New King James Version) Technical Information: Click below to download a zip file with the following resources: PDF files: can be read using Adobe Acrobat Reader DC (Download For Free ). HTML files: can be opened in any standard web-browser. Audio files: (MP3 or WAV formats) can be opened in most media players (such as iTunes, Windows Media Player or VLC). Video files: (MP4, WMV, MPEG or MOV formats) can be opened in most media players (such as Quicktime (Mac OSX), Windows Media Player (Windows) or VLC. Cubbies Cubbies: NOTE: Cubbies memorize and recite as a group therefore we only use ESV. AppleSeed Resource Bundle (ESV) Sparks Sparks: HangGlider Handbook HangGlider Handbook Audio ESV HangGlider Handbook Audio KJV HangGlider Handbook Audio NIV84 HangGlider Handbook Audio NKJV SkyStormer Handbook SkyStormer Handbook Audio ESV SkyStormer Handbook Audio KJV SkyStormer Handbook Audio NIV84 SkyStormer Handbook Audio NKJV WingRunner Handbook WingRunner Handbook Audio ESV WingRunner Handbook Audio KJV WingRunner Handbook Audio NIV84 WingRunner Handbook Audio NKJV tnt Truth and Training: Agents of Grace Agents of Grace Handbook Audio ESV Agents of Grace Handbook Audio KJV Agents of Grace Handbook Audio NIV84 Agents of Grace Handbook Audio NKJV Discovery of Grace Discovery of Grace Handbook Audio ESV Discovery of Grace Handbook Audio KJV Discovery of Grace Handbook Audio NIV84 Discovery of Grace Handbook Audio NKJV Evidence of Grace Evidence of Grace Handbook Audio ESV Evidence of Grace Handbook Audio KJV Evidence of Grace Handbook Audio NIV84 Evidence of Grace Handbook Audio NKJV Grace in Action Grace in Action Handbook Audio ESV Grace in Action Handbook Audio KJV Grace in Action Handbook Audio NIV84 Grace in Action Handbook Audio NKJV Trek Trek Pacing Schedule: His Love Year 1 Trek Bible Summaries: Year 1 Journey Journey Pacing Schedule 7 Bible Summaries 2024-2025 Bible-Summaries-ESV 39 Books Bible-Summaries-KJV 39 Books Bible-Summaries-NKJV 39 Books Bible-Summaries-NIV 39 Books
- Zumack | GCC
Leroy and Deborah Zumack Greater Europe Mission (France) Phone: +1 800 436 4488 Website: info@gemission.com gemission.org Address: Greater Europe Mission PO Box 5224 Wheaton, Illinois 60189 Birthday: Leroy: January 27 Debbie: November 10 Mission Focus Our mission focus is a prison in St Omer. There I distribute Bibles in different languages, explain the Gospel in French and English, counsel pray and hold a monthly service. We also do follow-up of those that leave prison. We try to go to England or the Netherlands yearly to see ex-prisoners. My desire is to see the men become disciples not only converts. In our local church, I preach, and we lead a house group. Testimony Leroy's Testimony I heard the Gospel growing up in a Lutheran school and church. When I was 18, my parents divorced and this left me asking God, "Where are you?". I met Jesus in September, 1972, in a coffeehouse. My life was turned upside down. I sought to grow in my Christian life. I got involved with CRU. I witnessed to friends and as I neared graduation, I sought to be a missionary pilot. I did not have the skills to be a missionary mechanic so I instead went to Moody for a year and then seminary. I served at Hope Church from 1982-1985. We came to France and started in church planting. Since moving to Lille in 2004, I started prison work. Debbie's Testimony During my teenage years, I began wanting to know more about God. Our family attended church fairly regularly but faith was not explained as a personal relationship with Christ. So when I went off to university, one of the first things I did was buy myself a Bible. Then I became good friends and roommates with a young woman who was a new believer herself. As she explained her testimony to me, I realized that just believing God existed was not enough. I remember feeling like I was standing outside a room I had thought I was in, and what I wanted to do was open the door to that room and really enter in. A few years later as I sought further ways to serve the Lord, I met Leroy and together the Lord directed us to missions in France! Previous Lee Whitworth Biblical Ministries Worldwide Next Undisclosed Missionaries Various Missions Worldwide
Our Missionaries Our Missionaries Please note that due to safety and security concerns some individuals and organizations we support cannot be listed. For questions, please contact office@gcchapel.org Anna & Elliott Unreached People Steve & Nancy Huerd College Campus Ministry Paul & Angie Kimball Missionary Aviation Training Mark & Jodi Revell International Field Worker Trainers Leroy & Debbie Zumack Field Workers (France) Jabe & Elena Barker Philippine Schools Doug & Emilee Irwin Church Planters (France) Bruce & Irene McAtee Refugee Outreach (Greece) Emily Rezek Student Outreach (France) Undisclosed Missionaries Various Missions (Worldwide) Ron & Mary Bennett College Campus Ministry Jon & Tammy Junker Church Planters (Japan) Eric & Rachel McEachron Unreached People Reaching Ayutthaya Serving in Missions (Ayutthaya Team) Scott & Jayne Cuidon Global Missionary Counseling Solomon & Ruby Kendagor International Broadcast/Discipling Kyle McEachron International School Teacher Lee Whitworth Mormon Outreach Missions Newsletter Do you have a heart for missions? If you are a member or regular attender of Grace Community Chapel, you can receive regular reports from missionaries we support SIGNUP FOR THE MISSIONS REPORT